Enternal | Teen Ink


September 30, 2022
By alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The constant fight inside your own mind 


The fear of something that isn’t there 


The reminder than you are not like others 


The struggling to find yourself amongst the constant thoughts 


Trying to remember when reality is when society tells you that your wrong 


Fighting to be better for others in fear of being rejected 


But pushing people away in fear of being hurt 


Hiding yourself away so nobody knows who you really are


Looking in the mirror and seeing the monster you have become 


Its a constant struggle that many deal with 

Anxiety presents itself in many treacherous ways

The battle in your own mind, exhausting as ever

But still you push on because you have those who rely on you 

You put your needs second for the ones that need you 

You push your problems in the back of your mind, and try to focus on helping others 

You are not alone nor do you need to fight alone

There are those just like you and fight every day 

We need to be there for each other just as you are there for others 

We need to open up and express the struggle 


Not an illness

Not a disease 

Not cancer 

Not an infection 

But in some ways, anxiety can be even more deadly


You fight against an illness and you can beat it 

You can battle againt a disease and win 

Many battle cancer every day and are applauded when they win 

Infections are faught with a healthy body 

But anxiety can never be beaten, only weakened. When someone gets better nobody will applaud you, nobody will respect the fight, nobody will even realize it. 

Anxiety is a constant battle

Sometimes you are winning the battle and everything seems fine

Sometimes you lose the battle and the world seems to end 

But the battle never is won, never over, never quiet. 

Anxiety is forever

The author's comments:

This is personal experience and a potential way for ordinary people to understand what people that struggle with chronic anxiety deal with. I've been misunderstood by my friends, my teachers, my coworkers, even my family didn't understand what was going on inside my head. They knew so little about the constant struggle I have inside my head. So I want to give everyone an idea of what it's like and then potentially could give everyone a reason to be understanding of those with chronic anxiety. 

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