The Perfect Sandwich | Teen Ink

The Perfect Sandwich

October 3, 2022
By 3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A cold September night,

the air crisp and my breath frozen in the air,

the dark never ending sky looms above,

only the most vivid bright stars peek through the clouds,

the moon peeks through hovering over the clouds.

The marshmallow toasts as my face burns hotter and hotter

poked through a skinned stick and sitting over the campfire

red hot logs stay ablaze 

smoke drifts into the dark night.

The popping of the fire is masked by the snapping of graham crackers

honey glazed crackers

Hersheys milk chocolate, one slice, perfectly placed in the middle.

a mushy golden brown marshmallow tops it all as it provides the perfect melt for the chocolate

then the last cracker to finish the perfect sandwich.

smores, crunch.

The fire sizzles and the light shines bright as light rain starts to fall

“Sweater weather” plays softly in the back round

As the night fades to morning

The party is over.

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