October 3, 2022
By 3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
3chiles SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I woke up in my quaint cabin down south. Ive never seen such a color aurora green. A mimosa sat on the table with my aunt Mary tangled up in 3 rattlesnakes. Abe lincoln? Abe Lincoln was sitting right next to her rocking back and forth. I looked down the hill and all of a sudden I was standing in front of the turtle flambeau flowage. Katy Perry came off the water hoisting her trophy fish. A GIANT GREAT WHITE SHARK. With sunny side up eggs and yolk spewing out the shark's mouth. “RUN” I yell “789!” “Guten Tag, wie heißt du?” a German yelled from across the lake as water spewed out of giant grey clouds hovering in the sky. The b*****ds got richer while the poor dug ditches and Toby Kieth was overseeing it all. It was geeked. I'm a police officer now. It was all a dream.

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