The Beginning of Winter | Teen Ink

The Beginning of Winter

October 24, 2022
By Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
Alexey SILVER, Plantation, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun rose sooner that day. 

Any early birds went to sleigh.

The snowflakes sailed down. 

The frozen rivers were mirrors of the town. 

The heat vanished into thin air out of the world. 

People perched in their parlors and purled.

The others all got on their gloves, 

And watched the drifting doves. 

As the cold settled in,

The remaining heat was within.

Schools started to close.

Like the rivers, all of the roads froze. 

Snow structures were being built.

The forts didn’t need any stilts.

When it started to get dark,

Everyone brought together bark.

The sky was made of obsidian. 

The pine trees were viridian.

They gathered around the fire pit,

As the freshly fixed flames fleetly flit. 

Hour to hour, they shared short stories, 

Continuing across countless categories. 

Getting late, the people had to return to their territories.

Like mice, everyone dashed to their dormitories. 

Upon return, fireplaces were set,

People parched their clothes which got wet. 

Finally, they hit the hay, 

Theorizing tomorrow as a tantamount day.

The author's comments:

This poem covers the fantastic qualities of winter.

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