Alone | Teen Ink


December 9, 2022
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

I wonder what I did wrong,

Did I not give you the attention you wanted?

Was I not there for you often enough,

When you needed me most?

All I know now is that I stand here alone.

Perhaps my standards were too high,

Did it pressure you too much?

Was the path I forced on you,

Not truly what you wanted?

All I know now is that I stand here alone.

Did you feel I treated you unfairly,

Leaving me disappointed when you weren’t perfect?

Were you hiding things inside that tore you apart,

All while I turned a blind eye?

All I know now is that I stand here alone.

I hope wherever you are now, you're happy.

I hope you can have a better life.

A life I was never able to give you.

I’m sorry for the sins I have committed, 

but it’s too late to apologize.

Because now I stand here, alone.

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