Birthday | Teen Ink

Birthday MAG

By Anonymous

The Flour and the Egg and the Chocolate
Chip stand around
and plan a party with the necessary
ingredients. Two cups of you, and three of
you. Don’t forget to invite the pink candles, the
one, the four, the skinny wish candle for good
luck. The tablecloth contributes, changes
clothes from a pretty blue to a Happy Birthday to You.
The lights dim and two hands scurry toward
the party with the cake. Voices arrive in a big
group, bearing the Birthday Song as a gift. Like
Cinderella watching her stepsisters prepare for
the ball, a child sits on a hard chair, unhappy and
poor, wanting a birthday to dress in like her sister.

Only this time, the fairy godmother is otherwise
engaged. The sister blows out the candles.

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i love this so much!