Eternal Sunshine (Danba Bonus Piece) | Teen Ink

Eternal Sunshine (Danba Bonus Piece)

February 22, 2023
By SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make lemonades!

Eternal Sunshine

Raining cats and dogs

No worries, fullsun'll be there

Haunting melodies

Souls resonate through music

Hey, a harmonious world

The author's comments:

During the interview, Aunt KangGao revealed her concern that as young people pursued studies and jobs in the cities, fewer people in the county were willing to learn singing with her now, while the rapidly progressing technology had allowed her to pass on the musical culture online. I wondered about the echo and resonance created by Aunt KangGao’s voice—could people across a screen resonate with it too? I felt sorry for such loss of immediacy and composed a tanka titled “Eternal Sunshine,” “Raining cats and dogs/No worries, full sun’ll be there/Haunting melodies/Souls resonate through music/Hey, a harmonious world,” hoping for a brighter future for the preservation of Danba’s musical culture.

Thanks to the journey to the Danba County, that my creation and imagination was further enhanced, but I felt even more grateful with having an opportunity to immerse into the county, writing sincere lines of thoughts that I truly experienced. The scenery and the musical culture of Danba truly blessed my eyes, ears, and mental mind. In return, the poems could be seen as gifts from me to the sheer bliss.

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