The Drawing | Teen Ink

The Drawing

May 5, 2023
By jmackiewiczz BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
jmackiewiczz BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My siblings never forgave my parents

for their misunderstandings,

precisely at a developmental stage in age.

Every 5 years,

they each, one by one,

left for college,

never turning back home

and only leaving me behind.

When I came home from school

with the drawing in my little hand

of a large house

and with a family of each member 


the sound of two beasts growling filled my ears

not acknowledging I am standing there

with a flood of tears

pressuring the dam.

In my eight-teenth year

I can feel my eyes

Still swelling.


Am I next to go?

The author's comments:

Growing up my siblings never enjoyed the presence of our parents. They held negative energy and distributed it in every room they went. I never understood fully when I was in elementary school what was happening within my family. By the time my siblings were leaving the house whether for college or a new place to live, I realized the destruction. Now as a Senior graduating from High school, I question whether I will be on the same path; Will I be next to go away from home and never come back?

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