Nana | Teen Ink


May 19, 2023
By audrey1718 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
audrey1718 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her beautiful eyes shined as bright as I could see

Her smile, so pretty, made you feel so free

Her heart was as golden as the sun during summer 

And her laugh gave you her hope immediately from her

She was the kindest person to set foot on earth 

Always helping everyone that surrounded her

She loved to help others and be the kind soul she was 

Taking care of everyones well-being everywhere she went

Her departure of earth was the hardest thing to endure 

Going through life without her was difficult and so scary to do 

I wish I could bring her back and stop feeling so blue 

I miss her laugh and her constant love she showered everyone with

But I continue to look for her in the hummingbirds that fly around 

As they're a continuous reminder she's still with us and not really gone 

And although it's still difficult and unbearable at times

I just have to look for her in different places now

Just as I do in the sunrise at dawn 

The author's comments:

My Nana was the kindest person I've ever met. She would help everyone around her and always had faith in me when nobody else would. She would constantly tell me to do what was right for me and help me whenever I needed. She let me cry and talk to her even when she was the one in pain. She showed everyone around her true unconditional love and I'm very grateful I was able to know how much of a wonderful woman she was while on this earth. 

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