Oh to Be Queer | Teen Ink

Oh to Be Queer

June 7, 2023
By proud_weirdo BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
proud_weirdo BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
4 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss

Questioning your identity surely can’t be fun…

Uprooting your whole life by being who you are?

Evenings spent crying, wishing you could change

Erasing all the things that didn’t make you “same”

Revealing who you are, only to be shunned.

The author's comments:

It was a struggle to come to terms with who I am because I knew how hard it would be to tell my family...which I still have yet to do. This poem is me looking at my identity from the outside in.

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