Dementia | Teen Ink


June 13, 2023
By yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Dying slowly out of my control. It’s selfish to tell you to live, but I just can’t let go.
Emotionally drained from caring for you every day.
Mentally exhausted because I don’t have people to talk to and well you’re slowly drifting away.
Even when you don’t know who I am and you’re scared of me, I love you.
Nothing I do will slow the deterioration. Nothing I do will bring you back. All I can do is bring you comfort.
Today I had to leave you, I’m sorry. I needed space to emotionally fall apart. I have to be strong for you because you were so strong for me.
I miss you, my love.
Above all, I love you and I will never forget you, even though you forgot me.

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