Sirenic | Teen Ink


June 24, 2023
By M-C-Caldwell BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
M-C-Caldwell BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Bathe in air,

Entrapped, enhanced,

Created to love (locked in a ring)

Kanban movement, through the seas. My

Olfactory oceanic auditory amor, affairs unknown to wives at home;

Null heart of stone, with eyes of steel,

I watch you swim unto me;

Null heart of stone, with eyes of steel

Gasp for air, it's gone from here

The author's comments:

Isabella Caldwell is a teen writer from New Jersey and has been published through and Writopialab. When not writing or reading, they love to sing, act, and play with their dog, Blue.

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