The Demon of the Past | Teen Ink

The Demon of the Past

October 11, 2023
By FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has a warrior inside of them. just because you gave up on him doesn't mean he gave up on you"

I make you think about the past

even though it didn't last

I can pull your fears from the dark

Depression, anxiety, dissociation will bark

No matter what you do, I will say

I am loyal and here to stay

I'm evil you may say

But hey, The name may fit me well

I love you drag your fears from hell

I can make you feel hopeless worthless and  such

But I'm worse when you're a kid much

Needless to say 

I'm anything but your friend to stay

I will send out demons that's hard to ignore

but they'll only get worse you whore!

I've rewired your brain

When triggered, you'll think in vein

Like you would in the past

That never last

Your traumas will never go away

I hate you forevermore when you get your way

You can't cope with me

This is for your own good, you'll see

Drink the bleach, step off the ledge and I'll be gone

But even so, you're never done.

I'm someone you don't want to meet

Hello, my name is PTSD

The author's comments:

This piece is about PTSD and what it can do to a person. I've decided to add in some facts about it as well as some things that I struggle with. 

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