HAIRS | Teen Ink


October 19, 2023
By AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Different eye color. Each is unique in a different, special way. Starting off with my dad, eyes that are like a tiny little green flower just about to sprout. My mom, well, her eyes are brown, like small chocolate chips you’d put on your PB&J sandwich. Reminding me of the warm smell of hot chocolate on a winter day. My mom's eyes sparkle when she looks into the sun and reminds me of night, when the moon and stars light up the darkness. Owen’s eyes are a light green, like the stone of an emerald green. With a small burst of green that looks like a firework popping from his pupil. Avery’s eyes are hazel, like the color of the light leaves right before the year turns to Autumn. Her eyes remind me of fall because of the two colors I see when I look at her. Shades of grassy greens and blue Avery’s eyes are the color you see when you think of the color of acorns. And me, my eyes are blue. Simple but unique because I’m the only one with eyes the color of the sky. My eyes are blue like the color of a big, blue whale jumping out of the ocean. The ring around the outside of my eye is like a gradient fading into a more neutral color. My eyes are always tired because I don’t get much sleep. 

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