The Moon | Teen Ink

The Moon

November 21, 2023
By FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
FadedMusic64 GOLD, Bowling Green, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone has a warrior inside of them. just because you gave up on him doesn't mean he gave up on you"

The moon is my flashlight

my best bud in the dark

greed and lust took over

Does he still like me? I don't know


The moon is my flashlight

Even though we spend more and more time away

He only wishes for golden riches

Has he forgotten me? I don't know


He is no longer mine 

as he went unfaithful

it seems so silly to cry

but I can't help but wonder

Where have the times gone?


No more video games

No more fun

No more teasing

He's just...gone


The moon was my flashlight

Oh, how we parted ways

he left me for someone else 

and doesn't seem to care anymore

but that's ok 

because now I have a new moon to guide me through the dark

something that my old moon couldn't do


The moon is my flashlight

my old bud in the dark

the loop will never end will it?

People come and go 

and will continue breaking my heart.

The author's comments:

this piece is about fake friends and how they can break someone's trust. As far as I see it this poem can also work for relationships that didn't work out or for someone that recently lost a loved one. You can interpret it in many ways.

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