Love and Warmth | Teen Ink

Love and Warmth

December 13, 2023
By writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Aleta Rossi-Steward, Disintegration, 2020

 I cry, but no sound comes out. My beige cage bounces. 

 I fear the end. I finally settle, accepting my fate.

 I look back, my body falls to pieces and

 I feel death creep nearer.


 I hear a voice from above. “I am sorry,” the voice utters.

 I hear them say “you were given no love or warmth.”

 I see a vivid light from above.

 I feel its warmth, its love.

 I am free. My colors more vibrant than before,

 I fly to them. 

 I screech out “thank you”. They do not understand me so

 I fly away to my new home, my new place of love and warmth 

The author's comments:

this is an ekphrastic poem written about Aleta Ross-Stewards "disintegration" (2020)

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