all good comes to an end | Teen Ink

all good comes to an end

December 13, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All good comes to an end 

Inspired by Study for the Dream 

What a lovely day, however, it won't be long.

the birds of Grim Darkness look incredibly Elegant.

the sign that the end Must be creeping closer. 

they say this is when life gets better.

when life known is lost, the Beauty of the world disappears.

how could life better without what's known?

this pain of glass, the only thing between me and Death.

maybe life Does get better when you’re gone!

change doesn't have to be a Bad thing.

I'm so Weak and frail yet so strong and energized.

Is this what the end feels like?

Is this what…

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