clipped wings | Teen Ink

clipped wings

December 14, 2023
By ApolloFox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ApolloFox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world around me spins.

Beak broken and feathers diminishing.

These wings that once carried me through the sky,

now lay at my side.

Why can’t I fly?

I look up to see the sky painted dusty gray,

The sky that once carried me home.

Those freedoms I used to have,

clipped away.

Why can’t I fly?

Bones shift as I move towards the water bowl.

My talons scrape the cold cardboard.

The weight of death grips me.

I collapse onto the floors of my brown prison. 

Why can’t I fly?

The author's comments:

This poem is an ekphrastic poem about the art piece “Disintegration”.

I decided to write about it because when it really spoke to me and I could almost put myself in the shoes of the bird.

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