Furry Friends | Teen Ink

Furry Friends

December 15, 2023
By grubbhub25 BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
grubbhub25 BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Furry friends, wagging tails in delight,

Frolic in the sun, brimming with glee

Barking fun, playing through night.


Owner throws, chasing a stick,

Playing fetch; when caught, a jubilee

Furry friends, wagging tails in delight.


Strutting around, on a trek

Exploring the world, a joyful journey

Barking fun, playing through night.


Dogs show care, sometimes by giving a lick,

Sloppy kisses, some consider disgusting

Furry friends, wagging tails in delight.


Full of energy, running quick

Going on a walk, attached to lead

Barking fun, playing through the night


Might leave sometimes; eventually homesick,

Deep in sleep, dreams of friends and fun activities

Furry friends, wagging tails in delight.

Barking fun, playing through the night.

The author's comments:

I had a lot of fun writing this piece

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