A Villanelle on Teenage Vanity | Teen Ink

A Villanelle on Teenage Vanity

December 17, 2023
By WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
WriterUtopia3906 PLATINUM, Jericho, New York
30 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You missed the bus.

The sun’s blazing vice grips the diamond by its crown,

unsheathing its ancient dominance on a weakling of its town,

into space, into space—this life is one to frown.

Even the wisest of Folk grow tired and mad at the Earth’s gown,

for wars have continued to be fought; calvary continuing to drown.

The sun’s blazing vice grips the diamond by its crown.

Nature’s strongest power is its tendency to invoke fear,

where men are as delusional and brazen as the mythological Lear,

into space, into space—this life is one to frown.

Do not think that God’s will was for Earth to heavenly be man’s ground.

Think of those in the Ninth Circle of Hell, when the duly time comes around.

The sun’s blazing vice grips the diamond by its crown.

Even the brightest of scholars fear nature’s destined tale.

Vanity, even at its weakest, drives away one’s friends like hail.

into space, into space—this life is one to frown.

I wish I knew how to convince my friends of this sound,

ringing desperately for humanity’s advice to be found,

The sun’s blazing vice grips the diamond by its crown,

into space, into space—this life is one to frown.

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