EMPTY | Teen Ink


December 27, 2023
By JenRoxu BRONZE, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania
JenRoxu BRONZE, King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

They were everything to me

The one who held up a cup, and collected every drop of me when I poured my heart out

The ocean that my turbulent river of emotions flowed into, a homecoming

Now, the heart is


They were my safety

The roof that sheltered me when storms slashed wind into my eyes, coughed snow into my hair

The shafts of wood that shielded me from the rain, even when they were about to splinter

Now the house is

[ EMPT ]

They were my light

The lanterns I carried every night when I wandered onto the desolate beach, searching for myself

The lighthouse whose beacon I followed to guide my storm-beaten ship home to the quiet shores

Now, the coasts are

[ MPT ]

They were my one certainty

The indestructible safe I padlocked my darkest truths and most treasured memories in

The diary that my words streamed into, that I painted with swooping, inky secrets

Now, the pages are

[ MT ]

Enchanted I was, to have met someone who was just like


To have found a friend who so graciously gifted


You would wonder how we, once so full of love, could now be

[        ]

The author's comments:

I would like to thank my creative writing teacher and author of the memoir "Burning Sage," Jennifer Rieger, for helping me find inner peace and a community through the cathartic art of journaling. She has my infinite gratitude for giving a safe space to grow into the person and writer I am today. Thank you, Ms. Rieger, for allowing me to transform the feelings I kept bottled up inside for so long into works of art and language.

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