how to survive the mist | Teen Ink

how to survive the mist

January 10, 2024
By writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A car
One to three machetes 
An ocean of gasoline
One mop 
Three mounds of food 
5 crates of dog food 
Duct tape
A sprinkle of skeptics 
One screaming man
An acre of mist 
A lifetime of interdimensional creatures 


Drive from your home to your local walmart or fleet farm 
Wait for a screaming man to run into the building babbling about something in the mist 
Let the skeptics doubt the screaming man 
Go into the garage to turn on backup power for building(you will see a tentacle crawl under the door but this is what the machete is for)
Emerge from garage and tell everyone what you saw(the skeptics will doubt you)
The skeptics will want to leave so tie a rope around their waist and release them into the mist
You will feel the rope go tight then limp, once it goes limp pull the rope and see the skeptics are gone(the rope will be covered in blood)
Start stacking dog food in front of glass(but leave a hole large enough for the interdimensional creature)
Once the creature gets in take the mop and bucket of gasoline and set it on fire
Hunker down in the store until you can no longer bear it and go insane 
Finally run out to your car from earlier and sit inside and drive around until your out of gas

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