Lost | Teen Ink


June 29, 2009
By Mindy SILVER, Lovilia, Iowa
Mindy SILVER, Lovilia, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lost between darkness and light,
A place where day and night coincides.
Where reasons battle for an answer,
Am I the one in or outside the mirror?
Confused and bewildered,
A place where time has stopped to grow.
Tears battling with sad despair,
Taking up all roads but nowhere to go.

Lost like the words of love I once whispered,
Lost in search for a destination.
I knocked for a lodging,
The door began to close & I stood there standing.

Lost like the once beauty of a rose,
Lost in our own two faced worlds,
Where in light we preach and pray,
And in dark we let our minds go stray.

We are all lost, lost as one could be
Our presence is as far as our shadows can reach,
Surrounded by silhouettes resisting to reach infinity,
I am but a traveler, lost in search for a destiny.


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