Turning Bright | Teen Ink

Turning Bright

June 30, 2009
By OfTheFaithful GOLD, Litchfield Park, Arizona
OfTheFaithful GOLD, Litchfield Park, Arizona
13 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Secluded, I sit on a rock.
Nothing but the crash of the nearby waterfalls enter my mind.
Surrounded, I am safe.
Looking up, to see a star. It is a distant star.
Glorious silence falls upon the area.
I gear my wet eyes up to that sky.
It is not that it is a beautiful night that brings me these tears,
It is that I have this to ponder.
A single star resonates in the darkness.
An illusion of illumination, a twinkle.
It may be far away, but it is not,
For the light reaches my eyes.
It reaches the farthest corners of this planet.
It sees all, even the isolated.
Even those hidden in fear.
To those who wish to be left alone.
To those who cannot see.
Its light, it reflects off this serene scene.
The waters captivate and marvel,
The waters stop to look.
All the nature is distracted through this event.
The flows of time slow down, to a stop.
The realization that there is something beyond this selfish dwelling of mine.
The wanting is no longer to wade in these dark waters of delusion.
But, is to soar up into that night sky,
Leaving these black and blue colors behind,
And becoming as bright as that star.

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