Meteorology | Teen Ink


January 31, 2024
By AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSWRITER120 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Autumn breezes whoosh across your ears,

as you can feel it blowing through your hair.

The trees are blazing with color; 

red and gold auburn leaves.

The wind-down season that makes everyone seek comfort.

Transformations into warm knit sweaters and fuzzy socks.

When waking up to mornings filled with peace and quiet.

Between bonfires crackling throughout the night,

the pine trees glow red from the fire’s light.

Freezing icy roads in Wisconsin,

the cars slip through the yellow lines.

Back and forth, you feel your car jerk,

as your pedal gets harder and harder to push.

Snowflakes fall from the sky,

making it feel like a winter wonderland.

Packing snow makes it fun to build snowmen

that just melt away when the sun peeks out. 

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