A Land Called Pakistan | Teen Ink

A Land Called Pakistan

February 23, 2024
By emxn BRONZE, Lahore, Other
emxn BRONZE, Lahore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. But why should that mean that it's not real?"

1947 was when it started,
Screeches of whistles signalling the trains had departed The sound of bloodshed fresh in everyone’s ears The only thing keeping them going
Were the voices telling them to keep hoping
For a land called Pakistan

We fought for a land of peace,
Where even the birds bow down in prayer Where the flowers burst with colour and fragrance A country to which none can compare
A land called Pakistan

We were united, us who have fought so valiantly for this land We feed those who have nothing but hunger in their stomachs We rescue those who have lost everything
We pray for those who have lost their way
It is because of our unity that we are here today
In a land called Pakistan

Is there still unity?
Kids are begging and our flowers are dying
What was the purpose of all the bloodshed and tears If we just stand and watch our land waste away, Too focused on our own fears?
We need to take care of our land
Our land that is home to millions upon millions of people Our land that is called Pakistan

Honour those who fell for Pakistan
Unite and care for those who struggle
Give our children a safe space to play and learn Treat our animals with the kindness that they deserve It is our duty after all
To take care of our land called Pakistan

The author's comments:

I recently moved back to my home country, Pakistan. It's been a big adjustment, but I can say that I've grown a fondness for the country, and it saddens me to see such bad things happening to it. I wrote this poem to express that.

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