Never Let You Go  | Teen Ink

Never Let You Go 

February 26, 2024
By Mak-Book12 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Mak-Book12 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

SLAM Poem 

Never Let You Go 

The day I saw you was like seeing

Santa at midnight on Christmas Day, 

the happiest day of my life. 

The yellowish-goldish fur ball in the cage 

not knowing where to go.

But tall like a giraffe for being so young 

laying in a bed that is to way too small for you

but throughout all the 10 years of memories 

it just went by too quickly. 

From the time I had surgery 

and you would stay by my side 

Or the other time you ate some cantaloupe 

and had to go to the emergency room. 

Not so fun times but as you grow old

your fur white as snow and the sound of snoring

like an old man late at night 

The days you see me grow up more and more. 

The more I see you and think

“I will have to live without you one day”

but the time we spend 

times we lay on the couch and watch TV 

or going to fun new places on walks.

All the trouble we made when we were younger 

I am glad we have grown up together 

as I will never find another wonderful best friend like you.

Unless Santa comes at midnight on 

Christmas day and brings another amazing dog like you.

The author's comments:

love my dog 

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