My Little Friend | Teen Ink

My Little Friend

March 28, 2024
By baileyn09 BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
baileyn09 BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

The inch worm inches near

I watch in plain boredom

But then it becomes clear

How nature is awesome


The inchworm dances free

I watch with excitement

And fester up with glee

As nature makes me content


I take the inchworm home

And make an enclosure

I watch the inchworm roam

As it is now safer

The author's comments:

I grew up with these little guys coming out every now and then. I had to write a poem for school about nature so I asked my grandma what to write about and she said an inchworm. I thought it was pretty silly but I did it.

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