The Green Bottle | Teen Ink

The Green Bottle

April 30, 2024
By sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sufly24 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The green bottle,

the hot summer day,

the cute boy.

All the things someone would want in their life.

He hands me the coke bottle,

he tells me he loves me,

he kisses me.

All the things I kept a memory of.

My stomach fluttered,

my cheeks got red,

my smile got wider.

All the things I remember.

The memories kept safe,

the emotions created,

the experience I remember.

All the things the green bottle kept.

The green bottle,

the hot summer day,

the cute boy.

All the things that Coca Cola gave me.

The author's comments:

With inspiration from Three Coke Bottles by Andy Warhol (USA) 1962.

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