Stuck | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By dolphinlover479 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
dolphinlover479 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Frozen in fear, I can’t move, I can’t get up

My sickly body won't allow me to anyway

My eyes blur, the house is miles away.

Inside awaits my loving family

My two sisters, one brother, and mom and dad.

Mom is making dinner,

and the paved field from dad driving to work

My sisters playing with toys, 

and my brother trying to get in the way.

Frozen in fear, I can’t move, I can’t get up

My family doesn’t notice me

The sound of explosions pierce my ears

Ringing more and more each time 

Growing closer by the minute.

I'm stuck in the grass, 

Waiting for my time to return to my family.

But that will never happen,

As I watch the dust erupt from our

Broken down house in front of me.

Tears stream from my eyes

Frozen in fear, I can’t move, I can’t get up. 

The author's comments:

its about a girl whose family dies in War and she cant move due to her weak body. 

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