How it Always Ends | Teen Ink

How it Always Ends

April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

I was right when I said 

You wouldn’t hurt me like the other guys


No, you hurt me more

Worse than I’ve ever been hurt before 

Left me crying on the bathroom floor

And despite all this I know 

If you asked 

I’d come running back for more 

Begging my heart to close all its doors

But they stay open

I’m wanting wishing hoping 

I’m hopeless

-ly in love with you

Dionysus I’m drunk

On your love 

Love sick with a hangover 

I can’t get over 

Everything you’ve put me through

Built my world up 

Then on the seventh day you rested 

You left it

Hanging in the galaxy 

All dust and debris

Suspended in space

I’m frozen in place

Waiting, waiting 

Waiting for you to fill the space

Or someone to take your place 

But they can’t 

You see, it’s too wide this hole

I’m nothing but dull

A pencil

Wishing for your blade 

To come and sharpen me again

Use my lead 

Until I bend 

And break again

Over and over it never ends

And all my friends 

They informed me 

You came with a warning 

Bright and bolden color but I ignored it 

You told me you were good and I fell for it

Wide awake plotting while I’m snoring 

Now all my friends are imploring


“Why him?”


Because when all was dark and stormy 

He walked right through the door he

Picked up the shattered pieces from the floor he

Put them together and 

My puzzled heart it started forming

So mystifying, his performing 

It was a work of art

I told him he could keep it

This shiny new heart

Never thought he’d just rip it apart


Again and again 

That’s how it always ends

I thought string was meant to sow and mend 

But you pulled my heart-strings 

And in the end 

I was just your puppet

You played me like a marionette 

You twisted and tugged at every thread

Utterly unraveled me

Now all that’s left is shapeless and dead

And of course 

I’d let you do it over again 

But of course I know

That’s how it always ends

The author's comments:

This is a slam poetry piece so it is meant to be read with voice, movement, and character. It is from the perspective of a girl who fell in love with a guy who played every girl he loved. She was no different. Everyone around her tried to warn her, but she ignored them. She ended up getting her heart broke, exactly like everyone guessed. 

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