Dream a Little Dream of Me | Teen Ink

Dream a Little Dream of Me

May 8, 2024
By angelinamariexo BRONZE, Sierra Vista, Arizona
angelinamariexo BRONZE, Sierra Vista, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom is my best friend

No matter how much I get mad

No matter how much I want to be alone

She’s with me until the end

Yesterday she hung out with me in my room

We talked about my plants and how lovely they looked as they bloomed

I could never talk about this with my dad like how I did with my mom

She’s the only one that makes me feel calm


I asked if she could hang out with me again today

My mommy stopped and stared as if she were in a daze

“You know I’m dead, right?” My mommy asked

“Yes, I know. I just don’t want to let go.”

The author's comments:

A relatable piece about struggling with the death of a loved one.

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