Water and lava | Teen Ink

Water and lava

June 10, 2024
By Armaans BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
Armaans BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the heart of man burns a fiery blaze,
Consuming passions in a relentless craze.
Desire's flames dance, fierce and bright,
Fueling ambitions that reach for the height.

But alongside the fire, a coldness creeps,
Icy tendrils of hatred, where darkness seeps.
Frozen hearts, devoid of love's embrace,
In bitterness and envy, they find their place.

Fire and ice, in our souls entwined,
Two forces battling, within the mind.
Yet in balance lies the key, we see,
To thaw the frozen and set passion free.

The author's comments:

This was heavily inspired by Robert frosts fire and ice 

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