Fragments Of Love | Teen Ink

Fragments Of Love

July 11, 2024
By crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
14 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
They broke the wrong parts of me-anonymous

In the quiet of our shared hopes,
We wove dreams with tender strokes.
A year unfolded, love's gentle bloom,
You became my haven, my heart's true room.

Hand in hand, we painted skies,
With whispered vows and starry eyes.
Promises made, of forevermore,
In each other's arms, our hearts soared.

But in a moment, words turned cold,
"I am not your lover," truth untold.
Shock pierced through, tears unbidden,
Love's fragile fabric swiftly ridden.

Begged for clarity, for hearts to align,
In silence, your answer drew a line.
Offered choices, trembling and bare,
To stay entwined, or release to the air.

You chose farewell, a dagger to bear,
Leaving echoes of love, heavy in air.
In the void you left, shadows now tread,
Memories shattered, dreams unsaid.

Now I stand, heartache's embrace,
Tracing love's fragments, lost in space.
Tears cascade, in the silence I grieve,
For the love we nurtured, forced to leave.

Yet in the ache, a whisper I find,
Love's essence lingers, tender and kind.
In the echoes of promises, tears freely shed,
I gather strength, from the love we once wed.

Though our story fades, in the mist of regret,
I'll cherish our moments, never forget.
In the echoes of a promise, I'll find solace anew,
As I bid farewell, to a love once true.

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