Beneath the Waves | Teen Ink

Beneath the Waves

January 31, 2025
By Arline_R BRONZE, Woodland, Washington
Arline_R BRONZE, Woodland, Washington
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If it still makes you cry<br /> It still matters"<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "I feel happy<br /> when you look at me<br /> because I know<br /> for one split second<br /> <br /> I was on your mind."<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "You're that 'nothing'<br /> when people ask me<br /> what i'm thinking about."

She's careful when she meets his eyes,

Deep as the ocean, many secrets they hide.

A quiet current pulls her near,

But she's afraid of what she'll hear.

The waves of him, they crash and sweep,

A world of feelings buried deep.

She longs to dive but stays ashore,

Wondering what lies beneath his core.

Each glance, a ripple in the tide,

A silent pull she cannot hide.

She wishes for the courage to dive,

To know the truth, to feel alive.

But still, she waits and keeps her place,

Torn between the waves and his embrace.

For in his depths, she longs to see,

What secrets lie beneath the sea.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 10 at 5:34 am
Arline_R BRONZE, Woodland, Washington
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If it still makes you cry<br /> It still matters"<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "I feel happy<br /> when you look at me<br /> because I know<br /> for one split second<br /> <br /> I was on your mind."<br /> <br /> &<br /> <br /> "You're that 'nothing'<br /> when people ask me<br /> what i'm thinking about."

Thank you so much I really appreciate you taking the time to read and acknowledge my writing. You made my day. I'm so happy that you understand the piece perfectly!! Thank you, If you ever want an opinion on something, I'm always here. @ColorsOnTheWater

on Mar. 3 at 11:17 pm
ColorsOnTheWater BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
He's not a tame lion - C.S. Lewis

I think this is really cool. I love the different ways you weave the motif of the ocean throughout the piece. obviously this person's crush is like an ocean because he is mysterious like the ocean and he's eyes are blue, but the lines "Each glance, a ripple in the tide,/A silent pull she cannot hide." add another level to the piece because her love for her crush is a current so strong and overwhelming that it is like the moon's pull on the ocean's tide. you also add another level by capturing the limbo between desperately wanting a relationship with a crush but at the same time greatly fearing rejection with the lines "But still, she waits and keeps her place,/Torn between the waves and his embrace." The last two lines are pretty cool with the slant rhyme see/sea. And you did all of this while keeping a rhyme scheme that didn't sound cheesy. Way to go!

Sorry for geeking out. your piece made me really happy.