She Gave up Hope <3 | Teen Ink

She Gave up Hope <3

March 1, 2009
By Toxic_Wasteland PLATINUM, Andowver, New Jersey
Toxic_Wasteland PLATINUM, Andowver, New Jersey
23 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In three words I can sum up everything I&#039;ve learned about life... It Goes On.&quot;~Robet Frost

One day there was
a girl, she was teased
for everything
cared about her,
she put on a smile
everyday, and everyone thought she had a great personality, she didn't care, but what they didn't realize was, her smiale, fake, her personality, fake, she was fake but for a good reason, she had no friends and noone cared, and one day she came home walked to her room, sat at her desk took out a metal piece and said
"I can't do this anymore."

The author's comments:
If you ahve peo0ple in your school that tease you for no good reason, hurting yourself is not the answer. you can get help though if you do ever feel the need to hurt yourself. your not alone, many people resort to viloence when nothing is left to do. so please if you need help or you feel like noone cares talk to someone. violence is never the answer.


This article has 1 comment.

SaraB. GOLD said...
on Jul. 30 2009 at 12:18 am
SaraB. GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
12 articles 6 photos 215 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Whatever you are, be a good one&quot; Abraham Lincoln

Wow, that was really powerful. Not to be critical, but no one is two words, not a compound. I used the same picture for my poem Conversations With No One. Ha, that's odd, it has no one in. Oh well, I used to spell it like that too. :)