You and Your Guitar | Teen Ink

You and Your Guitar

July 27, 2009
By writerxfighter BRONZE, Kingwood, Texas
writerxfighter BRONZE, Kingwood, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe it's time to change, leave it all behind. I've never been one to walk alone, I've always been scared to try. Why does it feel so wrong to reach for something more? To want to live a better life; what am I waiting for?"
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Strum away your feelings,
Tune out all things us,
Write down the lyrics of your lies,
Sing away my trust.

Keep the strap always on your shoulder,
Hold your guitar tight,
I hope the strings hold you together,
For you failed to make me older that one night.

Like you sang to me once,
We’re only this young for so long,
I’ve cried too many times,
Just to find that I am strong.

You may have been my first true love,
I’ve spared my thoughts of then,
Keep close your precious music,
You’ve long lost your innocence.

I’m not much of a believer,
But for your sake I’ll find some way,
To make you see it in my view,
Not your sweet, melodic play.

I said no for a reason,
I’ve redeemed myself enough,
Hold your guitar tight my troubled, dear lost love.

When I see the guitar forever at your hands,
I will shed one single tear,
I cannot forgive or forget,
I’ll turn my back on what I hear.

Don’t cry lost love,
Play your music but watch your tears;
They stain guitars.

The author's comments:
I hope people will catch the symbolism here - and yes, this really happened. Basically, for people who have had similar experiences, I'm here to show my support and views. To me, this reflects everything I am, will, and always will feel about this certain boy. Lost love, hardship, loss of innocence - yearning to stay a kid for as long as possible.

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