Wild Diana | Teen Ink

Wild Diana

April 25, 2009
By AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Running through the trees
Exhilerated by the hunt
Euphoria at such a high degree
My world is so blissfully blunt
This is why people call me wild

So many civilizations
Decreeing me goddess as the moon
And protector of the young patrons
Saying the great huntress is to come soon
So am I so wild?

Celebrated under open skies on the thirteenth
It warms my heart to know that they didn't forget my birthday
But the seeing the forests destroyed is a blow from underneath
And no one is realizing that for their rape they will pay?
So I am wild

never to return again to this world
It is oh so painful
My brethren has, in fire, been charred and curled
And the human race so disdainful

I will turn away from this world that used to be my home, for the depth of my agony cannot by tamed by words or further action.

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