Dream of Me | Teen Ink

Dream of Me

August 25, 2009
By Angelou GOLD, Pointe Claire, Other
Angelou GOLD, Pointe Claire, Other
15 articles 1 photo 6 comments

I know you want to hear me say
"I think about you every day."
I know you want to hear me shout
About how bad it hurts without
You by my side-You with me here
To dry my eyes and choke my tears

But I think that I've done okay
Ever since you went away
Yes, I think that I've done alright
Without hearing you breathe at night.

So you do your thing, I'll do mine
But I'll think of you from time to time
Because though we're through I will never forget
The day our jaded eyes first met.

I'll have you know, though we fell apart,
You've never left my pounding heart,
And after all the times we shared
It's impossible you don't still care
For how our hands met in the dark
I'm sure I must have left a mark.

So go your own way. Carry on;
It's time we both should move along

I realize now we'll never be
More than a stinging memory

And though this may be Destiny,
Fate still will have you dream of me.


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