it just the intro of my play | Teen Ink

it just the intro of my play

September 13, 2009
By Dr.Gonzo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
Dr.Gonzo BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lover’s dream once told of a most unlikely paring of star crossed players on the stage of the gods. She was a goddess in the eyes of men without a mark or blemish of imperfection. And he was but an outcast marked unclean by the eyes of society. Yet despite their differences they’re admiration for each other was unexpectedly about to unveil it’s self.
It was by the light of the full moon that their eyes first met, and it was at this moment there fate was bestowed by the heavens to be an epic tale of love and a firm and manly will. This night were I lay my scene, under the harvest moon with the sound of the waves breaking on the rocks and the sand beneath their feet.

The author's comments:
its going to be a parody of romeo and juliet

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