Midnight | Teen Ink

Midnight MAG

By Anonymous

    Running across the carpet-think

sweet honey drenched lawn

our bare legs and naked emotions covered

in the thunderstorm water that

has just coated the grass and now rumbles

in the clouded distance in whispers.

The lightning bugs flicker

and hide in long grasses

We coax them with our fingers

until they climb on our palms

And we hold them up to the foggy moon

like torchlights

and pretend to be fairies

dancing through the moonbeams

the dew melting on our backs

the air moistened by our songs

We leap over muddled streams

And we sit among the darkened daisies

in the dizzying moonlight

We are not pierced by the darkness

it coats our bodies like the hurling rain

melting us like crystal sugar

that sinks into the damp earth.

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