Red Ribbon | Teen Ink

Red Ribbon MAG

By Anonymous

   Red Ribbon

It has taken over our lives.
Whether you have it or not,
You are a part of it.
This epidemic has come over us like a wave
That some would like to sweep out to sea.
Too many are ignorant,
Thinking they are immune.
Mothers losing babies,
Friends losing friends,
Sports losing athletes,
Movies losing stars.
Thoughts of the suffering,
The tears shed.
Watching ones we love,
Fade away,
Little by little,
Suffering through every day.
The red ribbon so commonly seen,
Signifying the pain,
Remembering the millions scared by the disease.
Doctors and scientists,
Struggling every day,
To extinguish the fire,
That is slowly and suddenly,
Burning us alive.

by M. S., New City, NY

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 12 2010 at 2:22 am
i like ur poem...

i am using it thank u... thanks a lot...