I Don't Want To Be Me | Teen Ink

I Don't Want To Be Me MAG

By Anonymous

   I don't want to be this porcelain doll anymore.

All I do is sit and watch.

I see her cry and cry with her.

I hear her laugh and laugh along.

She sits in front of me and tells me all

Saying, "Stardust, my friend, I need your help again."

If only I was alive to tell her I understand.

Saying, "I love you, my friend."

Instead, I stand quietly and long to be like her.

I don't want to be this porcelain doll anymore.

I want to see the sun and feel the warmth.

To have a face of gentle skin, I would give anything.

Yet I stare, wishing and dreaming.

Hearing her say, "I wish I were you."

All this time, I sit and wish I were her.

I don't want to be me.

I stand in my pink, fluffy suit and long to be held.

To feel her arms wrapped around me, hear her soft heartbeat.

Or, better yet, if I could just slightly touch her and

to take away the pain.

I don't want to be me!

I want to comb my hair, and dance around.

I would tell her everything then hug her.

Oh, she would hug me; we would hug each other!

It's just a dream.

I don't want to be this porcelain doll anymore!

I feel her touch my cold, pale face.

Wishing it would magically bring me to life.

I don't want to be me!

I want to be her!

If I could scream, I would yell so loud.

Then I'd laugh and giggle.

I'd love, I'd frown.

I'd hate, I'd smile.

I'd wish ...

No, I'm wishing now.

It's all I can do.

I don't want to be me!

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 3 2011 at 12:21 pm
BridgetND BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 17 comments
its not too bad.