The Attic | Teen Ink

The Attic MAG

By Anonymous

   I've kept my heart up in the attic for so many days

I never thought I'd need it so I just packed it away

It's dusty now, and somewhat old, but I can only guess

I haven't been up there because the place is such a mess

But recently love peeked its rays of sunlight through the cracks

And made me want to turn back time and retrace all my tracks

The part of me I tossed aside I want to hold again

I need to fill the emptiness and know where to begin

I'll slowly inch up to the door and lay my trembling hand

Upon the hope that some things don't break and that my heart


I'll dust it off with cautious lips and blow a gentle kiss

To rid the air of idleness, to bring back what I miss

I'll carry it away from where it's sat for far too long

I'll see that all the reasons that I put it there are gone

I'll set it back inside of me and move across the floor

I wont't look back or turn or stop, I'll leave and shut the door

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