Sailing Away | Teen Ink

Sailing Away MAG

By Anonymous


I feel the cool breeze on my face;

It gently removes the hair from my eyes.

About me, the salty air is fresh and clean.

I feel the rocking of the boat beneath me

And each subtle crash of the waves

That playsto the beating of my heart.

No one to be heard, no one to be seen;

The peacefulness is a silent type of music

That fills my heart and cleanses my mind.

And I just sit there on the damp wood,

Alone and free, quiet, yet silently anxious.

My head is clear, only filled with happiness,

And I silently thank Him for this chance-

This final experience of the ultimate peace;

You may call it a second path to Heaven.

I quickly glance to the land behind

And I tell myself I will never go back.

I just keep sailing into the sunset ...

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 18 2009 at 9:26 pm
KassidyLeigh GOLD, Brewer, Maine
11 articles 4 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are a millions guys who will try to pick you up but only one can sweep you off your feet!" -Emily Illingworth

This is differnt. It's not like the typicla poem you read that is just breath taking, this really makes you think, and that's why I like it. You shoudl read 11:11 memories; teen ink raw! Really interesting!