one day | Teen Ink

one day

January 4, 2010
By Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"when something good is in your grasp do not let it slip away"

if i only had one day to tell you that i care,
id do it any way i could before you passed away.
if i only had one day to say the words "I LOVE YOU",
id say it a million times over and over,
if i only had one day before you passed away,
id kiss you more passionately than yesterday.
if i only had one day,
i would remember what we went through,
and throughout the days we spent i never said i love you,
id make it all up to you if i only had one day.

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