Sestina | Teen Ink


May 8, 2008
By Anonymous


Who likes OAT ‘S?
They take too long
They ask too many questions
And don’t get me started on extended response
How about things you haven’t learned
Multiple choice questions are not hard

Unless it’s something you haven’t learned
I would like to ask the people who made up the OAT’S
A question
They would give a ridiculous response
“If you listen in class it’s not hard”
It’s hard to concentrate for long…

2 and a half hour tests on hard
Difficult questions
With no correct response
You try to take the test and see if it is long
Would you like to take the OAT?
I like learning…

But taking a long
Dreadful OAT
Test drains out what you have learned
All the hard work and no brain response
These are hard questions

But soon after taking a long
Exhausting OAT
You will be able to learn
Again and give good responses
And ask questions
Because now it’s not hard
Now that OAT’S
Are over and long
Gone you can learn
You can ask good questions unlike on the hard
OAT test with no correct response

No more hard OAT’S
No more long extended responses
No more questions that you try to learn.

Cory Almady
"This will certify that the above work is completely original."


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