The City That Never Sleeps | Teen Ink

The City That Never Sleeps

May 17, 2010
By katrinalovestowrite. BRONZE, China, Maine
katrinalovestowrite. BRONZE, China, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Drag my name through the mud, I come out clean. -Lil' Wayne

You're exotic.
People walk by and stare.

Step out of the metro;
onto flat, slick, burning cement.

I'm overwhelmed by;
Flashing lights,
endless roads,
tremendous buildings.

Beeping horns,
homeless people,

Look around and smile,
I feel like a little kid in a
candy store.

You smell of burning rubber
and cooking food,
I miss that smell.
Your immense buidings,
tower above my head.
They smile and wave, inviting me in.

All of your stores are lined up
along the side of the road;
glowing, sparkling, neon signs.
The lights as bright
as a supernova.

Two for the price of one
screaming; buy me!
knock-offs, food.

Phones ringing,
people talking,
fast walking.

Chewed gum, spit out onto your sidewalks.
melted in, no longer stretchy.
Pigeons clean your roads of trash.

Need a ride?
Taxi Cabs honk, stop, turn, speed,
they roam the cluttered road.
Crowds skid by, in green lights.
Dare devils sprint, in red lights.
Everyone is careful,
careful not to get smooshed,
like spit out gum.

Oh, City,
I love the sound of my feet
thudding against the ground,
like the beat of a racing heart.

I love how my shoulder fits right into the walls of your buildings
When I need to stop and think for a while.

I love that I know it won't be long,
until I return to you.

The author's comments:
When I visited New York I felt inspired, I felt fresh. It made me feel like I could do anything, I instantly knew I had to write a poem about how it made me feel.

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