Who I Am | Teen Ink

Who I Am

September 11, 2010
By bibala774 PLATINUM, South Plainfield, New Jersey
bibala774 PLATINUM, South Plainfield, New Jersey
38 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we've touched"

I am from broken black tire swings and a household drawer full of shiny things
I am from mud pies and catching beautiful butterflies
I am from days at my grandmothers lake and staying up way to late whose mornings brought moaning and groaning

I am from a family of four and slamming my brothers fingers in the car door
I am from Duck Soup and accidentally stepping barefoot in stinky dog poop
I am from a from a loving family who are quit extraordinary
I am from smokey nights playing manhunt and acting like a monkey while eating bananas

I am from a room that looks like a tornado blew through
I am from long hot days at the beach with the salty air and the crunch of sand beneath my feet
I am from crazy teachers and hours spent sitting on bleachers
I am from Rugrats and Rocket Power and taking a fourty minute shower

I am from best friends who mean the world to me and building a life that is soon to be


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