Unborn | Teen Ink


December 3, 2010
By XxArlahart.VontayaxX BRONZE, Hemet, California
XxArlahart.VontayaxX BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Within us all is the heart of a beast.&quot; ~ My own<br /> <br /> &quot;Never give up on what could be the most important thing in your life.&quot; ~ My own<br /> <br /> &quot;Life is a one-way ride. Either you get on it, or you don&#039;t. ~ My own

I do not know you,
I have not seen you,
You do not exist yet,
But I love you.

I long to see your face,
Your eyes like mine,
Your mannerisms,
Exactly like our line.

The day I see you,
The day I meet you,
Hold you,
I will tell you I love you.

I do not know you,
But I love you.

The author's comments:
Well, having a baby has been on my mind a lot. And this poem just came flowing to me. And this is true. I do love my baby even though I have not met him/her. Sorry if that makes no sense, but I am sure others could get it.

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